Village Matters

Issue 4

A Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you all.

The Festival of Lights has already been and gone, but Christmas is now really upon us.

It does seem to me that this year has gone really fast.

In this month’s issue we celebrate the birthday of the first Christmas Card, we also have an update from the ‘Reclaim our Riverbank’ campaign. From the response to last month’s piece it seems that it’s a big issue for all of us. We look at the history of both Walton Grove and the Library and High Street, and on Page 26 we have a passioned piece about continuing to feed our beloved Walton swans.

Weird Christmas traditions also feature, as does a remarkable story of one reader’s treasured letter from King George V. Along with our other regular features, Dominic Raab, who himself has had quite a month, talks about all things Walton.

Happy Christmas!

See you in January.