Village Matters

Come and Sing in 2023 

By Spelthorne Choral Society 

Monday nights are special for Gill Henry, because Monday nights are choir nights! No matter how bad her day at work, or how dark or cold, singing as part of the Spelthorne Choral Society (SCS) each week is a must for her. And she’s not alone. “I know I’ll come out of choir uplifted and in good spirits”, explains Helen Senior, a member of the society for 7 years. “I come to choir, tired after a long day’s work, and I leave energised. Singing in a group is a wonderful experience.” While Choir members Magdalena and Daph-ne have both found being part of the choir therapeutic. It helped them both to cope with the loss of loved ones. “Singing with SCS stops me feeling sad. You can’t think of any-thing else whilst you are singing. I love it”, says Magdalena. 

“I find singing this wonderful music so thera-peutic. It’s helped me through this very difficult time”, adds Daphne. 

Whereas for Linda and Kieran it’s the escap-ism and the opportunity to sing with a lovely group of people, that draws them back to the choral society each week. 

Their experiences are also backed up by sci-ence which shows that singing releases the ‘endorphins’ – the happy chemicals that boost our moods and make us feel good about our-selves. Also, simply breathing properly, from the diaphragm, boosts awareness and im-proves lung function, which is good for re-leasing stress and helps us rest and relax. 

I’ve been a member of the Choral Society for 15 years. For me, singing with other people helps build connections and feelings of to-getherness. What pure joy it was to return to singing together at Our Lady of the Rosary School after lockdown. (I shed a few tears of relief after that first session.) 

I’m a New Year’s resolution person – this year it’s learning web design. But 30 years ago, top of my list was to join a choir. I did and it’s been a constant in my life ever since. Quite simply singing has seen me through thick and thin. 

If you’ve enjoyed singing with others at Christmas, or perhaps you’re more of a ‘shower’ soprano or a bathroom baritone, or perhaps just curious to find out more about joining a choir. whatever your reason, you would be welcome at the Spelthorne Choral Society. If you would like to discover your voice, see what you can do and how it feels to sing with a group of people who love to sing, then SCS is holding a ‘Come and Sing’ day in January. During this day we’ll be rehearsing Haydn’s ‘Creation’. It’s a happy, relaxed day when we’ll rehearse and, later on, perform in our Covid safe, accessible rehearsal space. It costs £10 per person, which includes music hire, tea, coffee, and cake! 

Come and Sing Haydn’s ‘Creation’ 

Our Lady of the Rosary School, Park Avenue, Staines Upon Thames, TW18 2EF 

On Saturday 21st January 2023, 10.00am-4.00pm 

£10.00 per person from Contact;