Village Matters

5G and Building Application on Thames Street 

You may have read on social media about the planning applica-tion for a huge 5G mast in Lower Sunbury. Sure, we all want and need connectivity these days, but no one in their right mind would think to place this monstrosity overlooking the pictur-esque Rivermead Island. We only found out about it AFTER the February issue had gone to print, so by the time you read this, it will be too late to object. We hope that common sense prevails. 

You may also have heard about the plan to demolish the bunga-low on the site of the old Clark’s ferry house. Instead of a low level building, the plan is to put up a 3 story townhouse. Many will say it is more in keeping with surrounding buildings, but it won’t be to everyone’s liking and the ensuing traffic chaos which is bound to be a result will be unpopular with many. 

We may say both objections are examples of NIMBYISM, Not In My Back Yard! Who knows what will be allowed and what may not. Houses along the river Thames often battle just to be allowed to raise them above the flood levels, ending with a com-promising flat roof because they are not allowed to go higher. Elsewhere you see houses shoot up against all logic. 

We believe in common sense. Let’s hope others do too.