Village Matters

Stock up at Surplus Shop and Support Others

By Monica Chard 

You will most probably have heard about the impending cut to Universal Credit, scheduled for early October. A reduction of £20 per week may not sound huge to many of us, but to some it will make the differ-ence between being able to feed a family, or not. 

The Trussell Trust predicts that the impact of this cut means that one in five people will skip a meal and one in six will need now to use a food bank. 

In addition, the furlough scheme, which has protected millions of jobs, was finally wound down at the end of September. Many people are now facing losing their jobs and income. 

Surplus to Supper has already been contact-ed by many charities and groups who are looking for support and for surplus food. We help as many causes as we can. 

So where do YOU come in? 

It’s easy. You can choose to come to do your weekly shopping at the Surplus shop (#surplusshop), and leave a mindful donation. Give what you can, or feel is fair, but as a guideline, donations vary between £5-£20. All the donations taken from the weekend shop go back into the charity. These dona-tions keep our vans going, allowing us to pick up surplus food and deliver it to where it is most needed. It allows us to deliver ready prepared meals directly to those in need. These vans are on the road seven days a week, picking up and redistributing to food-banks and local projects, and you can be part of keeping that going. 

At the shop you will find an abundance of fresh fruit and veg as well as bread and cakes. You may be lucky and find we also have yo-ghurts and cheeses. You never really know what you are going to find at Surplus, as the supermarkets let us have goods which they have too much of, or the labelling and pack-aging may be incorrect. Honestly, that is part of the fun! Talking of fun, it is also manned by a team of fabulous volunteers who are hap-py to help you to fill your bags with great produce. 

Let’s dispel some myths: 




I joined as a volunteer for Surplus to Supper some 6 months ago. I help out at the Surplus shop on a Saturday so come on down and say hello. On Saturday and Sunday between 11.30-1pm the ‘shop’ is open to EVERYONE to come and get your fresh produce in exchange for a donation to the charity. You will be helping reduce food waste, helping your local community and supporting us to continue doing what we do to help others. 

Finally, if you have not yet discovered the Surplus Café, that is also worth a visit. Friday 6pm-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 12-2 and Monday 10am-6pm. Have a bacon sarnie, or a plate of curry and know that all proceeds also support the charity. 

Sunbury Cricket Club 

Lower Hampton Road 

Sunbury on Thames TW16 5PS