Village Matters

Benwell Phase 2 -Dying Trees of Great Concern to Neighbourhood

Many residents have observed the appalling state of the area surrounding the recently opened Benwell Phase 1 building at the top of Green Street. Before opening, the council conducting ‘landscaping’ activities, which comprised cutting down hedges, bushes and shrubs, in fact cutting down most green things with the exception of the trees with TPO’s on them. These TPO protected trees however, will also be removed if the upcoming application for phase 2 is approved. With the exception of a small strip of turf, no planting of any type has been undertaken, Indeed the area has the appearance to anyone who visits, of being abandoned. This is a far cry from the ‘external landscaping’ benefit, which the Spelthorne Bulletin would have you believe we residents of the neighbourhood enjoy! 

It would seem more than coincidental that shortly after this major clearance and completion of building activities, a number of the protected trees have started to die. Residents have sought an independent opinion of a tree surgeon, while waiting for an investigation by the council tree officer. Residents hope that the results of this investigation will be available before the planning committee meets again. Some of these dying trees are listed as providing vital screening in the application for the very unpopular Phase 2. Without them, the visual impact of the building on neighbours will be even worse than currently indicated on the application! The application is likely to be included for decision in the October committee meeting so there is still time to object:

written by local residents