Village Matters

Do You Remember…..?

So this month we are asking you again to cast your mind back. Former Sunbury resident Tim Burden has fond memories of the house at 137 Staines Road East, where the owner, a family friend called Rick Guzy, kept fancy cars on the driveway. Tim particularly remembers two 1970s Corvettes, one pink, the other red, a huge picture of Marilyn Monroe and a Willy’s Jeep. He would love to see photos if anyone has any from that time. He writes “I am looking for photos that were taken in the 1980s (particularly 1988-1990). As well as the house on Staines Road East, there was the industrial premises now used by Leoline Travel on the Upper Sunbury Road (opposite the water works reservoirs), which in the 80s was a concept / Ameri-can car garage which was also run by Rick Guzy. 

The reason for my search and interest is that the place held (and still holds) a lot of meaning to me. It was a big part of my childhood and I would dearly love some photos of the place. We don’t have any and I can’t seem to find any, despite contacting NCAP, English Heritage and some other aerial photograph companies!” 

But Tim is, by his own admission, quite persistent. When someone suggested contacting the local papers who may have archives, he also contacted Sunbury Matters. Although we don’t have archives from that time, we have a lot of readers with good memories. So do you remember the house and the garage? Might you by any chance have any photos? 

Please email and we will pass information on.