Village Matters

Bored with Lockdown – U3A News

Hello to all members of SU3A especially if we have not been able to meet during the last year. Spelthorne U3A is still here for you and awaiting a time when meetings and groups get back together. 

However, if you are reading this and hearing of SU3A for the first time let me pique your interest. As with all U3A’s we are a group of like-minded retirees. In those twilight years there is no need to be thinking that learning, fun and sociability is lost. In fact, more people partake of those key elements than anything else. So look to our group for social events, groups that keep giving and visits. 

For those who know the benefits of the organisation, we hope that the path to meeting face to face is on the horizon. Remember going to those group and monthly meetings, they will come back. To all our members and their families keep safe, keep positive and keep looking forward. 

For more information look us up online. This year some groups have embraced Zoom, and we now hold our monthly meeting on Zoom. For more information contact Ann Galgon on 01932 566570 or