Village Matters

What are your fitness goals for 2023? 

Gary Kemish from Fresh Gym tells you how to reach them 

The start of the year is a great time to reflect on the previous year and set new fitness goals. Start by setting a long term goal and then work back, setting smaller short term goals. For example you may want to run your first 5k in 6 months time, but you can break this down into being able to run 1k non-stop with-in four weeks, then 4 weeks later build up to 2k non-stop and so on. The same applies if your goal was to lose 10lbs. This could be broken down into 1lb a week loss over 10 weeks. The key is to work off the acronym SMART, which stands for: 

Specific: Give a detailed numerical goal, rather than just saying get fitter. So training 3x a week for 30 minutes is more specific. 

Measurable: Make sure you can measure your progress. You must be able to put a number on it otherwise it’s too vague. You may have a goal to complete 10 push-ups. You can easily measure your progress as you get stronger. 

Achievable: Your goals must be realistic so that you can achieve them within a few months. If too unrealistic, for example to run a marathon but you have never run before, you would be better off starting with a 5k and then gradually building yourself up. On the other hand, don’t make it too easy or there will be no sense of achievement. 

Relevant: Your goal needs to be relevant to your health needs and interests. If your goal is to reduce blood pressure, your goal may not be to squat twice your body weight, but may-be walk 3k 3 x a week. 

Timed: To prevent your goal from just drift-ing along, set a time frame to achieve it. I suggest trying to keep goals no more than 3 months to help them feel attainable. 

I would also add it is important that your goal is your goal and not somebody else’s. If you have decided you want to run 5k because your friend is, but you hate running, then you’re probably going to lose motivation early on. Choose something that works for you. That may be going to the gym and doing 2 yoga classes a week. Aim for your goals. 

Most of all enjoy the journey. Keeping fit and healthy should be fun and don’t forget to cele-brate each achievement. This will help keep you motivated as time goes on. If you need any help in setting and achieving your 2023 goals, don’t hesitate to pop into Fresh Gym or drop me an email We would be more than happy to help.