Village Matters

Sheperton Residents Association

By Carl Phillips, Chair 

The Shepperton Residents’ Association (SRA) Open Meeting took place in the Village Hall on Monday 25th July. As well as the SRA committee, we had Borough Councillors; Robin Sider, Vivienne Leighton and Maureen Attewell (also a Surrey County Councillor) present to take ques-tions and give updates. Also present was Karen Howkins, Chair of Charlton Village Res. Assoc. The meeting began with a minutes silence in memory of Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley who sadly died recently. Richard was a good, dedicated public servant to Shepperton and Shepperton Green. 

I began the meeting by repeating that the SRA are currently evaluating changes to subs, an increase to £5.00 per residence per annum. We are also setting up a bank transfer payment system as an additional method of collecting subs. Once this is done, we will distribute a letter with the bank details. We would still continue having stewards to collect subs for those residents who cannot do online payments. Newsletters would continue to be distributed in the usual way. 

We are looking at setting up a Facebook page, but as it will need administering, we are asking if there are a few enthusiasts who would like to take on this job, voluntarily. If so, please call me, Carl Phil-lips, on 07850 722379. 

Other issues discussed were : 

Local Plan : This is the Borough’s response to housing targets set down by central government. Councillor Attewell pointed out how Shepperton might be affected by proposals that Spelthorne has put forward. Shepperton sees limited impact from the plan, with a vague possibility of the Library and/or Youth Centre buildings being extended to include some housing. The Local Plan is currently up for consultation with the public and you can express your views until 5th September. Go to 

Shepperton Studios. Dan Burton – Community Engagement Manager updated us on imminent developments in the studio expansion. Necessary sewage upgrade works are being carried out over 6 weeks, meaning a 4 way traffic light system is in place. The good news is Dan reported there will be scholarship opportunities for school-leavers, partic-ularly in STEM subjects. The Studios are keen to give back to the local community, both in employ-ment and education as well as local trade opportu-nities. 

ECO-Park– Ken Snaith, SRA gave an update of progress at the Eco-Park. Both the Anaerobic Di-gester and the Gasi-fier have been fully operational since April this year. 

ESSO Pipeline – Woodthorpe Road continues to be closed and this is the major inconvenience of this project currently. 

Watersplash Farm Gravel Development – ap-pears to have been delayed recently. Watch this space. 

Neighbourhood Watch – Following a report sent by Vic Smith, Crime Officer for the Community Safety Team at Surrey Police: 

• Crime in Shepperton is low, BUT not all crime is reported. If residents report crime more often, policing will improve to match the increase. Many residents do not want to “bother” the police with minor incidents. The message is please re-port it, whatever the nature of the crime. 

• Most common reported burglaries involve thefts from sheds and garages; garden equipment, cy-cles etc. Since the start of 2022, there have been 156 such crimes reported in Spelthorne, of which only 15 were reported in Shepperton. Probably NOT a true picture, so please do report! 

ScamWatch – Bill Cunningham 

We have to be more aware and protect ourselves. Recognise a Scam. If it comes out of the blue, if it is unusual, tempting or gives you concern, IT’S A SCAM! 

“Phishing” – scammers impersonating familiar companies or organisations – incl. HMRC, online or by text (occasionally on the doorstep). All these are suspicious. If in doubt call the company con-cerned. It will become obvious if it is a scammer. NEVER verify your bank/personal details to con-firm something! 

Finally, the High Street is holding its own, with new businesses about to reveal themselves includ-ing Smoky Boys and a Wool Shop (in Barclays Bank building) tbc. Please remember… SHOP LOCAL. 

The next Open Meeting will be 8.00pm Monday 21st November. Guest speaker will be Lisa Town-send – Surrey Police Commissioner – who will discuss her policing priorities and is eager to take questions.