Village Matters

Local Icon up for Auction

Anyone who has visited Thames Court, or walked along the towpath in Shepperton, can’t have failed to notice the iconic Shepperton ‘resident’ looking out wistfully across Shepperton lock from the balcony of a modern house. The Blues Brothers figure has even been used as a clue on a Shepperton treasure hunt trail. He has sat looking out across the river for a couple of decades, but it is now time for him to retire. 

House owners Sayma Robbie and Chris Cox came up with the idea of auctioning the figure, with all money raised being donated to the Swan Sanctuary. Sayma and Chris took in a baby Egyptian goose this spring which had been pecked and abandoned on the towpath. The care the little fellow received from the Swan Sanctuary was inspiring, so this is a way of returning some thanks. 

So, locals, who fancies acquiring a Blues Brothers figure? 

We will bring you more information as it becomes available. We are sure there are a lot of people out there who fancy this icon. 

Fear not, this is not the end for the quirky landmark. This autumn you will be able to look out for the pair of Blues Brothers, which are on order from a specialist supplier. 

Watch this space!