Village Matters

Shepperton Beat

By Inspector Maxine Cilia 

The past month has seen a decrease in dwelling burglaries, however, on the other hand, an increase in vehicle crime. The main types of vehicle crime we are seeing are the theft of Catalytic Converters. This crime takes only about a minute to commit and usually the offenders are well prepared with grinders and car jacks to remove the Catalytic converter in seconds. This is made easier on certain vehicles due to design. However, it can be made more difficult for all vehicles if you try to do just a few things.; If you have a garage please consider parking your vehicle in it. In order to steal the catalytic converter suspects need to slide under a Jack and gain access to the underneath of the car, so park next to a wall or prickly bush or high kerb. You could consider getting a cage system or locking system installed to prevent the theft. These can be an expense but stops your car from being written off due to value. Consider getting a recording doorbell device or CCTV to guard your property and vehicle especially if you can park on the drive and park in well-lit areas. If you are a business and have a set of Fleet vehicles consider parking them close together with the ones with the lowest ground clearance on the outside. 

If you have any information about this type of crime or any other crime please consider contacting us and letting us know on 101 or online or if you would like to remain anonymous please call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 

Other types of crime that have come to notice are the theft of purses and wallets. These have been noticeable in busy supermarkets and shops and usually go missing just after the person has paid for their shopping and are busy packing and unloading into the car. Please always keep your purse or wallet in an inside pocket of your jacket, or in a zipped bag. In many occasions, the purses have contained credit cards and bank cards which have been used almost immediately. Consider whether something like a purse bell could be a deterrent allowing you to hear if your purse is moved. 

Please continue reviewing your security on you sheds as numerous bicycles and tools get stolen. Most of these items are not uniquely marked or recorded so even if we do catch the offenders it is very often very difficult to prove who they belong to. Why not take this time to mark up your property with a property marking kit, or photograph and catalogue your valuables including taking details of serial numbers etc. We often suggest that all property is registered on the a national property register which is also checked by all reputable second-hand dealers and Police Forces in the UK. Registering is free and it gives you a far higher chance of getting your property returned if it is stolen. 

Thank you for all your continued Support to Spelthorne Beat and Surrey Police 

Maxine Cilia 

Spelthorne Borough Commander.