Village Matters

Are You Ready for Eco Island?

Molesey Matters Roving Reporter – Della Reynolds

If you haven’t met Jess yet you are missing a treat. He runs the eco shop ‘Born from Necessity’ in West Molesey (KT8 1TG) just along from Hurst Park Tesco on Buckingham Avenue. Jess can tell you all about sustainable living, a subject we need to become more familiar with if we are to protect our diminishing natural resources.  The Born of Necessity shop provides organic and vegan food plus household products in a plastic-free environment. Take your own jars and boxes for a top up and make sure you chat to Jess as he serves you.  

The last time I went to visit him he was excited about ‘Eco Island’, a project which has had something of a green light from Steve Bax, our West Molesey Councillor who put Jess in touch with Ian Gayton, Elmbridge Green Spaces Manager.  Eco Island would be situated opposite Sunbury Lock and would be the first totally Eco Island in England. Let Jess tell you about it in his own words.

“The aim would be to create the first fully Eco Island in England, making it an educational, fun place for all to come and see first-hand how we can do things differently in our daily lives, to improve our autopilot daily lifestyles in so many ways.

Schools are already are coming into my shop on an educational front and this would be a great extension to help educate all ages. I feel when someone is having fun, they tend to learn a lot more and retain what is learned.”  

Who could argue with that? He has certainly spent some time planning the project and will share with you his vision of an island where children and adults could cross a footbridge to enter a totally eco-friendly environment. There would be a section dedicated to efficient ways to use water and importantly how to use organic cleaning systems to prevent ‘grey waste’ from boats entering the river, polluting the Thames. On the subject of boats, there would eco-powered moorings, lighting and household sustainability which would be of great benefit to the many houseboat owners on this stretch of the river. He has enlisted the help of Ryan from Thames Solar Electrics who has created the first eco powered houseboat, which is his family home moored close to Hampton Court. Ryan will share his expertise with visitors to Eco Island and will continue to construct eco powered houseboats for the keen enthusiast, which could be moored on the island. 

Jess is keen to set up an organic, medical garden which would link a range of herbs to their incredible healing properties. Herbs which have been used for medicinal purposes over hundreds of years, but now largely replaced by synthetic alternatives. Grow your own medicine could be a whole new trend among allotment holders and gardeners alike. 

There would be the opportunity for children to have lots of fun in some African style tree houses which would be built to demonstrate sustainable living. School visits would be encouraged as Jess is passionate about educating the next generation. The ‘Born of Necessity’ shop would have an outlet there, delivering a range of plastic-free, natural products.

Our children are growing up in a rapidly changing world and learning the skills of self-sufficiency and conservation cannot come too soon. Adaptability will see us through to a brighter future. Thank goodness for people like Jess who are able to see solutions and not just problems and then have the tenacity to drive their projects forward. Don’t forget to ask Jess about Eco Island next time you pop in for a refill of lentils or some chemical-free soap. He’s probably got even more ideas by now.