Village Matters

Elmbridge Dementia Services

Caring for carers and those with dementia during lockdown 

Caring for someone with dementia is challenging at any time but caring for someone with dementia during a worldwide pandemic involving a lockdown can be an incredibly tiring and lonely situation. 

Elmbridge Dementia Services (formerly ‘Relief Care’) has been supporting those with dementia and their families in Elmbridge for many years and that support hasn’t stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This committed team has been supporting carers through Zoom meetings, a dedicated newsletter, vital signposting to available services, more recently socially-distanced walks and even kerbside birthday celebrations. 

Many carers have had their support network shut down during lockdown, social activity groups cancelled and family and friends unable to visit, which is why the Elmbridge Dementia Services team is determined to find alternative ways to help. Weekly welfare calls have been crucial in keeping in contact with people and using Zoom to host small support groups has been invaluable for many, especially those who have lost their loved ones during lockdown. 

Carers are reporting that due to the lack of social interaction, activities and exercise, their loved one is slipping deeper and deeper away from them. To help with this, the team at Elmbridge creates a weekly newsletter which is posted to the people they support, this contains quizzes, advice and ideas, and is designed to appeal to both carer and the person with dementia. Feedback on the newsletter has been incredibly positive, with one carer writing: “I feel that I want to say thank you for the latest collection of life-enhancing paperwork… It is great, so colourful, fun and interesting.” 

Councillor Tannia Shipley, Portfolio Holder for Social Affairs, is very proud to support the Elmbridge Dementia Services team: 

“Anyone with experience of a loved one or friend with dementia knows how difficult it can be, but challenges can be eased and joy can be found with the right support and advice. Elmbridge Dementia Services provide that support and their expertise is even more invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their commitment to caring and supporting carers and those with dementia in Elmbridge is truly inspiring.” 

For further information on Elmbridge Dementia Services please visit our website, email or call us on 01372 474547.